Privacy Statement | Personal Information

Personal information will be collected and why

The personal data about our customers are the N.A.W. data and e-mail address that are entered via the contact form, these will be filed in our database.

Contact form

With the contact form you can ask us questions or make requests. Your e-mail address, IP address, telephone number and name and address details will be used on the basis of your consent. This way we can easily access the information for follow-up questions. 

Your contact information security

Security of personal data is very important. We ensure that your data is properly secured. If you have any questions or want to know what personal data we have about you, if you want to change or delete your data, you can always contact us. Due to the GDPR privacy rights your contactdetails will be stored in our database for 12 months and we will not be shared with other parties without your permission. After the 12 months, permission will again be requested to store your contactdetails in the database.

You have the following rights

- to receive an explanation of what personal data we have and what we do with it 

- access to the precise personal data that we have having

- errors corrected to have outdated personal data

- withdraw consent

- consent object to a particular use

Make sure that you always clearly state who you are, so that we can be sure that we do not modify or delete data from the wrong person.


To file a complaint

If you feel that we are not helping you in the right way, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. This is called the Dutch Data Protection Authority.


Your Privacy Matters

JM Office Management & Communication

"Professional services to businesses & entrepeneurs"