RIVM regulations


During this corona pandemic, working in the cloud and connect via Microsoft Teams, via Zoom and Skype works perfectly more than ever. We communicate by Zoom more than we pick up the phone and it works. With Office Teams we can chat, meet, call, we can collectively access company documents, we can learn and collaborate with the people we work with, safely from our own (office) workspace. 

Webinars, office meetings & gatherings, educational programs, all can be facilitated online so the core business remains up and running.

As long as the RIVM regulations apply, I provide full package professional services, efficiently and continually, working remotely.


W E   A D A P T   W E L L

"One good thing we learned during this pandemic period is that working remotely can be just as efficient as to work office based, and that we all adapt well on the current situation."


JM Office Management & Communication

"Professional services to businesses & entrepeneurs"